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- Category: Electrical and Electronic Engineering
- Indexing: Scopus
- CiteScore 2023: 5.6
- Acceptance Rate: 18%
- APC: 800 USD
- Average Days to Accept: 87 days
- Category: Mechanical Engineering; Control and Systems Engineering
- Indexing: Scopus, ESCI(Web of Science), CNKI
- CiteScore 2023: 2.8
- Acceptance Rate: 25%
- APC: 1000 USD
- Average Days to Accept: 78 days
- Category: Computer Networks and Communications
- Indexing: Scopus, DBLP, CNKI
- CiteScore 2023: 3.4
- Acceptance Rate: 27%
- APC: 800 USD
- Average Days to Accept: 88 days
- Category: Computer Science
- Indexing: ESCI(Web of Science), Scopus, CNKI
- CiteScore 2023: 4.2
- Impact Factor 2023: 0.9
- Acceptance Rate: 19%
- APC: 1000 USD
- Average Days to Accept: 87
- Category: Signal Processing
- Indexing: Google Scholar
- Acceptance Rate: 63%
- APC: 500 USD
- Average Days to Accept: 67 days
- Category: Civil and Structural Engineering
- Indexing: CNKI
- Acceptance Rate: 72%
- APC: 500 USD
- Average Days to Accept: 54 days
- Category: Energy Engineering and Power Technology
- Indexing: Inspec (IET), CNKI
- Acceptance Rate: 68%
- APC: 500 USD
- Average Days to Accept: 65 days